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Welcome to The Leamington & Warwick Model Railway Society

We are pleased to announce that our Clubroom upgrade project has been completed and opened by

Pete Waterman on Saturday 7th September 2024.


Members meet every Thursday evening and we are now able to welcome visitors from 7:30pm. 

The clubrooms are fully accessible with a lift available to the new first floor.


​​​​We are now able to invite membership applications from individuals interested in joining our newly formed groups for narrow gauge and TT120 modellers. Space has been allocated in our extended clubrooms to accommodate the construction of new layouts for these interest groups and planning is underway.

For details email the membership secretary -  


The Outdoor group have been allocate space within the extended clubrooms and are now planning their winter activities to build a 45mm based mobile exhibition layout. New members are welcome to help with this project. For information on this project email or the membership secretary as above.​

Charity Wagon Project

Our latest charity wagon project has been delivered and is now available for you to collect. We have moved away from 'The Myton Hospices' theme by selecting a local brewery for the wagon graphics. We have examples of the 'N' gauge and 'OO' gauge wagons available to order by emailing


All profits raised from the sale of the wagons support our local hospice group and on 4th December 2024 one of our members visited the Myton Hospice in Warwick to hand over a cheque for £1500.

A big thank you to all those members of the railway modelling community who have supported the project by buying a wagon at events or exhibitions around the country this year.

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-03 at 20.38.19_3bbc3e41.jpg
Myton Hospice Logo In aid of Red.png

If you would like to order your example of these limited edition wagons please email

Club members will be taking their own P4 layout Market Bosworth to
The Festival of British Railway Modelling at Doncaster on the 8th & 9th of February 2025
and also to the Basingstoke & North Hampshire exhibition on the 8th & 9th March 2025.


Our next exhibition appearances will be over the weekends of 1st & 2nd March 2025 at the

The Midland Garden Railway Show at the Fosse Way Exhibition Centre and

The National Garden Railway Show at the NAC Stoneleigh on the 12th April 2025.



​We are now able to invite membership applications from 45mm G1 modellers.

Membership provides unlimited access to the outdoor track and the group space allocated in the extended clubhouse.

For details email the membership secretary -


The Outdoor 45mm track is now open to visitors by application.


Visiting groups are welcomed, enquiries via email to


​For more information join the Facebook group Outdoors@lwmrs or email -

The Society has over 100 members mainly from South Warwickshire and the surrounding areas. We occupy spacious club rooms, now over two floors just outside Leamington Spa, each in excess of 6,500 sq ft for layouts, a discussion area, library toilets and kitchen. Indoors, we have a number of club layouts in various stages of construction - in O, P4, OO and N gauge - and the club layouts regularly appear on the exhibition circuit and in the modelling press. Outdoors we have a 45mm dead rail track with three 90 meter circuits.


We meet regularly every Thursday evening so come down to the club rooms and have a look around.  You will be sure of a good welcome and there is plenty of interest for all modelling skills, or for those who just like to chat, or browse in the extensive club library.


During 2022 and the early part of 2023 members have constructed an outdoor railway. Currently there are three complete loops of 45mm gauge track suitable for battery powered and live steam models. The Outdoor track will be fully operational from early 2024. For more information on open sessions please join the Facebook group Outdoors@lwmrs, email - or see events on this website.


If you would like to become a member of LWMRS then click below to find out more.


We moved into a spacious new club rooms just outside Leamington Spa in April 2006 and then extended by adding a first floor in 2024 which provides nearly

7000 sq ft for layouts, discussion area and library.


The clubhouse is fully accessible including the first floor which is served by a lift.


There is a kitchen in the clubhouse, with tea and coffee making facilities, as well as the facilities to heat up food. Members are welcome to use it whenever they are using the clubhouse. The kitchen also operates as a tea and coffee bar on regular club nights, supplying complimentary hot drinks and biscuits.


The library contains many railway related materials: books, magazines and periodicals, photographs and videos.


There is a small workshop which is available to members.


The clubhouse contains a library of railway related materials: books, magazines and periodicals, photographs and videos. The clubhouse contains a small workshop which is available to all members.


The Society has over 80 members mainly from South Warwickshire and the surrounding areas.  Most of the members belong to one of layout groups but many just like to meet other members and chat in the library area with its extensive range of railway books and magazines.  Several of the members also have their own layouts which have exhibited at our own or other shows.


We have seven club layouts in various stages of construction in all the major gauges: N (Kineton, Toysleigh and Midway), OO (Duxbury and "Project 2"), P4 (Clarendon) and O (Kimble) and these regularly appear on the exhibition circuit and in the modelling press.  All the layouts would welcome new joiners.


Visitors are welcome to come along to our club night on any Thursday evening from 7:30pm. You will be guaranteed a warm welcome with plenty of interest for all levels of modelling skill or just the opportunity to chat with members or browse the extensive club library. We have seven club layouts in various stages of construction in N, OO, P4 and

O gauges and these regularly appear on the exhibition circuit and in the modelling press.

"The Society's objectives are to advance public education and foster a general interest in railways and model railways, and in particular to encourage a high standard of modelling amongst its members”


L&WMRS Articles of Association

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