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This is currently the largest indoor scale (7mm to 1 ft) modelling group in the club. There are over a dozen members in the Group with a wide range of skills from novice to expert but with a common interest in producing a visually accurate and working, fine scale layout. Members are invited to contribute by constructing buildings and scenery, be involved in developing track layout and control (or whatever is of interest to them). New members are always welcome and can either contact us through this site or simply join in at one of our Thursday night sessions.

The group meets every Thursday 7.30-10pm. Once a month there is a meeting to discuss progress with the layout, planning projects, discussing any issues and finances.  Another night every month is set aside as a ‘running night’ when the layout is operated (or practiced) as if it is at an exhibition and members can also bring their own locomotives and rolling stock.

The current layout has been in production for a number of years and is undergoing a massive change to its electronics. DCC train control is provided by MERG components including individual hand controllers plugged in at strategic points on the layout allowing lots of members to get involved. Track and signalling is currently operated separately by a ZTC master controller which will be replaced by MERG equipment over time.

The overall measurements are 12.2m x 4.9m, (40’ x 16’). At exhibitions, the layout can be viewed from the front only or from the front plus one or both curved ends.  It has its own lighting rig.  A double track (continuous loop) main line has a through station and a six track fiddle yard which allows for 12+ trains to be marshalled at any one time.  The modelled location is non-specific, the buildings and structures based on BR(LMR). 


The period represented for exhibition running extends from early BR to steam/diesel transition, demonstrating a wide variety of stock. 

At the southern end (left), the town of Kimble is set on a hill, dominated by Knight’s Brewery with its array of industrial buildings, workers’ housing and private railway with a wagon turntable.


Below the town there is a through station, set-back siding and a comprehensive motive power depot with roads leading to the loco shed, coaling/sand/water renewal, storage and turntable. At the north end (right), is an impressive viaduct, with hills, rocky outcrops, pine trees and a tunnel.


All structures on the layout are scratch built, closely modelled on or inspired by actual prototypes.


We have seven club layouts in various stages of construction in all the major gauges: N (Kineton, Toysleigh and Midway), OO (Duxbury and "Project 2"), P4 (Clarendon) and O (Kimble) and these regularly appear on the exhibition circuit and in the modelling press.


Duxbury is loosely based on Aylesbury Station circa 1960. By doing this, we can cater for steam, abeit in BR guise, as well as diesels and electrics.

The variety of steam locomotives that can be run is quite large, being drawn from ex-GCR, LNER, LMS, GWR.


The finescale group’s previous layout, Walford Town, was EM gauge.  Several of the group were already P4 modellers, so we decided the new layout would be to P4 (4mm/ft) standards.

Walford had been a diesel layout set in what was at the start the contemporary mid to late ‘80s scene set on the ex Great Eastern in London. 


If you want further information about the club, its activities, directions to the club rooms or the exhibition, please contact

The Leamington & Warwick Model Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales Company No.: 04938339 Registered Charity Number: 1117232

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