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Progress Report - Week  20  -  ending Sunday 9th June 2024

Our Clubroom upgrade project has reached a major milestone with the completion of the construction and re-decoration of both the ground floor and the new first floor. Final fixing of door furniture and other snagging items will be completed during the first week in June (Project week 20).

The first floor remains closed at present to allow the floor paint to dry completely but some of the first areas painted are now in use for storage. All 'N' layouts have been moved to the first floor and Duxbury will be moved to store on the first floor shortly.

The space cleared on the ground floor allows the 'OO' gauge modules, which are due to be exhibited at Gaydon, to be set up enabling work to be carried out in preparation for that exhibition.

The new lift is now scheduled to be commissioned during the second half of July and therefore members or visitors with limited mobility may not be able to access the new first floor until installation is completed.

Until the lift and fire alarm system is installed and fully operational we are unable to open the building to visitors.

This will be the last in the series of regular weekly progress reports. Occasional reports will be added as appropriate to document the installation of the lift. 


If you want further information about the club, its activities, directions to the club rooms or the exhibition, please contact

The Leamington & Warwick Model Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales Company No.: 04938339 Registered Charity Number: 1117232

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